Guidelines for Testing People with Disabilities: Ensuring Equity in Certification Assessments
At the National Inspection Testing and Certification Corporation (NITC), we are deeply committed to promoting equity in the certification assessment of individuals with disabilities. We strive to accommodate the needs of such applicants, recognizing the valuable contributions they can make to the construction industry. In line with the requirements of the American Disabilities Act (ADA), we ensure that our certification program is accessible and inclusive to all qualified individuals.
American Disabilities Act Requirements:
The ADA mandates that public bodies must make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures to avoid discrimination based on a disability, unless such modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity. Individuals with disabilities, as defined by the ADA, include those with physical or mental impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities, those with a history or documented record of such impairments, or those perceived by others as having such impairments.
NITC Compliance:
To ensure inclusivity and accessibility, the NITC Certification Program adheres to the following provisions of the ADA:
1. Use of Accessible Facilities:
NITC examinations are administered in handicap-accessible facilities whenever possible. Proctors responsible for arranging test sites are provided with detailed specifications of accessibility requirements. In the event that a proctor is unable to meet these requirements, they must promptly notify NITC staff.
2. Notification of Policy on Test Applications:
The examination Candidate Bulletin includes a clear statement regarding special requests for taking the test. We accommodate requests for special or emergency examinations whenever feasible. Candidates with disabilities that restrict their ability to take the examination under standard conditions may request special testing arrangements. Such requests must be submitted with the application and received by the normal application closing date. The request should outline the nature of the disability and the specific accommodations needed. Verification of both the disability and the need for special accommodations by a licensed medical professional is required.
3. Processing of Applications:
a. Requests for special accommodations are reviewed on an individual case basis, carefully considering the listed guidelines.
b. Candidates may be asked to provide documentation confirming both the disability and the need for special accommodation at the discretion of NITC certification staff.
c. NITC will cover reasonable costs for special testing accommodations when deemed necessary by NITC certification staff, subject to approval from the NITC Board of Directors."
At NITC, we are dedicated to ensuring that individuals with disabilities have equal access to certification assessments. Our commitment to inclusivity and accommodation is rooted in our belief that diverse perspectives enrich the construction industry and contribute to its growth and success.
For more information about The National Inspection Testing and Certification Corporation (NITC) testing programs and our guidelines for testing people with disabilities, please visit https://nationalitc.com/.