6060 Medical Gas Designer

Initial Fee



Passing Score


3 years


A Medical Gas Systems Designer certification candidate is any individual who meets requirements stated in ASSE 6060. Eligible candidates include individuals who design medical gas systems, new or existing, including the layout, sizing and selection of equipment and piping, location of medical gas outlet/vacuum inlets and assessment of existing systems for resizing or replacement. Medical gas systems and equipment covered in this standard include those in health care facilities within the scope of NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code. Medical gas systems encompass those distributing USP gases, medical vacuum, WAGD and support gas piping systems.

The 2024 ASSE 6060 Designer Examination will be realeased in 2025. For more information contact: Janel Mezzic at 888-234-6834 or DJ Berger at 504-415-9165 or email at designer@nationalitc.com

Please select the number of Examinees


Medical Gas Designer Certification is valid for three (3) years from issuance.

Passing Score

To Qualify

The candidate shall meet all the requirements of ASSE Standard 6060, Section 3.2.1 demonstrating two (2) years documented experience in the mechanical and plumbing systems industry and requiring practical knowledge of the design of medical gas and vacuum systems. The candidate must demonstrate successful completion of a minimum 32-hour training course covering ASSE 6060, the essential requirements of NFPA 99, NFPA 55, FGI Guidelines and elements of design. Course instruction shall be conducted by a Medical Gas Systems Instructor certified to ASSE 6050.

To Recertify

At this moment Recertification requirements are not stated. However, recertification must occur within three years of initial certification. Requirements will include training hours. No exam specifications have been determined.

Instructions and Forms

Recertification Forms

Other Information