3-4 Braze Performance Test

Initial Fee



All additional NITC Braze Tests may be qualified during the same braze session, however, the ASSE 6010 Medical Gas Installer/Brazer Certification may not be awarded until the written and BTS15 practical exams have been successfully accomplished. NITC Braze Tests Documentation should be downloaded for each braze session. Follow the information contained within the Braze Test Specification and the NITC’s Step by Step Instructions for the Medical Gas Braze. Complete the required Brazer Qualification Record (BQR) for each braze.

Ship ALL completed forms to:

NITC Southern Regional Office,
2540 Severn Ave., Suite 200,
Metairie, LA 70002,
Attention: Janel Mezzic,
Phone: 888-234-6834

Continuity of initial and additional braze qualifications are maintained by Continuity Form for Brazer. Braze qualifications remain in effect indefinitely; however, a lapse in continuity will require re-qualification.

Please select the number of Examinees


Indefinite, as long as continuity is maintained without lapse (Six (6) months maximum between braze dates).

To Recertify

Submittal of brazing continuity form prior to the expiration date. Braze certification will be extended six months from the date of most recent brazement. If the braze has not been performed on or before the expiration date the braze certification must be renewed by requalification. The requalification test requires submission of one (1) one vertical upflow joint following BTS15 Braze TestSpecification.