Title 24 Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician

Initial Fee



Passing Score



3 Years


NITC’s Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician Certification is based on the California Code of Regulations 2013 or 2016, Title 24, Part 1, Sections 10-102-103-B and Part 6, Section 120.5. Title 24 mandates Acceptance Tests to ensure that the mechanical equipment that was specified is installed and operating as intended.

Acceptance Tests can only be performed by Acceptance Test Technicians (ATT), who are building specialists trained and certified by an Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider (ATTCP). They are hired by Acceptance Test Employers (ATT Employers) to conduct the required test, and submit the results and certificates to enforcement agencies. Their employers are also required to have specialized training by an ATTCP.

A Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician certification candidate is a qualified individual who (1) meets the eligibility requirements, (2) can demonstrate competence within their scope, and (3) will be experienced in the inspection procedures and functional performance test procedures that serve to determine whether specific building mechanical systems conform to the criteria set forth in the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Acceptance Test Technicians (ATT) are also referred to as “Field Technicians” in the Standards.

The intention of the National Inspection Testing Certification (NITC) accreditation is to establish that NITC certified technicians are skilled craftsmen proficient in successful completion of the Mechanical Acceptance Tests mandated by the Standards.



This certification is valid for three (3) years from issuance.

Passing Score

Candidates must score a minimum of 80% to pass.

To Qualify

The applicant must be a journey level worker who:

has received the United Association HVACR Star Mastery Certification.

In addition, applicants must have completed the following courses*:

The Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician certification course instructed by an authorized provider under the 2013/2016 California Energy Code of Regulations Title 24 Part 6.

GPRO – Green Professional Trades Training: A course designed to teach the principles of sustainability combined with knowledge of high performance mechanical systems to the people who build, renovate, and maintain buildings.

Start, Test & Balance: A course designed to acquire the general knowledge and theory that is needed to properly use testing and measuring instruments in order to apply proper procedures to test, balance, and adjust mechanical systems.

Energy Auditing Practices: A course designed to increase the skills and knowledge of the technician in order to improve the energy efficiency of any building without sacrificing comfort, health, or safety.

To Recertify

Recertification of this certification can be accomplished by successfully passing a ten (10) question, non-proctored, multiple choice “open book” examination within thirty days of the expiration date of certification. Candidates must answer eight (8) of the questions (80%) correctly on the exam to achieve a passing grade. One hour is allowed for the examination.

Other Information

Title 24 -MATT Recertification Registration Form for Online Test

To obtain a copy of the 2022 Student Manual and a summary of the 2022 changes to the Acceptance Test Forms, please forward this Email to Kate at kate@calpipes.org.